Hi to all!
Just did a small update on the shows/live section. Looks like Pieter Matthys & Sons Uniques again are play some summerfestivals this year! The first few are in. We might see you there:-)
In the meantime i am also working on a new mix…more of that at the end of april beginning of may. So far i am ok with what i’m doing! Stay tuned on that…
My friend Says Who? and i are still slowly working on our firts full lenght album. We already have bunch of demo’s and a few songs that are already near complete! Check out Says Who? http://sayswho.bandcamp.com or go to https://soundcloud.com/says-who/fremdvibes-ep-by-says-who-and-dj-vindictiv to check out our earlier work.
BTW! it’s still there…free for you to download. It might give you the well needed feeling of sunshine:-) Have a good weekend everybody!! Peace